100 Perspectives on Progressive Philosophy & Pedagogy
The School Archives: A Place to Document, Learn From, Reflect On, and Plan Forward the Ongoing Construction of a School’s Progressive Education Mission
An important part of the Hanahau‘oli School Entering Teacher Collaborative (previously featured in this blog) is the opportunity for new teachers to visit the school archives to learn more about the school’s history and progressive education philosophy. To prepare for our time together in this special place, new teachers read about the history of Hanahau‘oli on the school’s website, select and read an additional piece of writing from a former head of school (e.g. Palmer, Mills, Hurley, Peters, Pohl), and they generate questions about what they want to know more about related to the school's history and culture. On the day that we gather in this special place, the teachers' have time to journal, learn about key documents and artifacts, and most importantly use the objects in the room to reflect on their own progressive education practice and explore questions about the school’s history together.