2024-2025 Hanahau‘oli School
Annual Fund
Learning, laughter, and discovery are in full-swing here on the Hanahau‘oli campus. This year, we celebrate the 106th anniversary of the founding of our school. For over a century, Hanahau‘oli School has honored the ways in which children from Junior Kindergarten through 6th Grade learn – through doing – by making learning exciting, challenging, and most of all, enjoyable. As we continue to develop lifelong learners each and every day, we humbly ask for your support in this work by contributing to this year’s Annual Fund and/or the Louisa Palmer Scholarship Fund at whatever level is meaningful to you.
Your gift goes directly towards supporting the greatest needs of our students – from learning trips to guest speakers, campus safety to classroom needs, these funds have an immediate and lasting impact on the life of our students and the longevity of the school.
Some may not realize that tuition only covers approximately 85% of the actual cost to educate a student at Hanahau‘oli. Therefore, the Annual Fund’s main goal is to cover this 15% gap, which ensures true joyous work continues for all.
Should you choose to give to the Louisa Palmer Scholarship Fund, you will be helping one in five students who receive financial assistance. This 2023 - 2024 school year Hanahau‘oli awarded nearly $500,000 in tuition assistance.
We are deeply grateful for all the ways you continue to celebrate and support our special school. Thank you for being a part of the Hanahau‘oli family!
Three Cheers for the Orange and White!
Tuition covers only 81% of the cost of educating each student at Hanahau‘oli School. Contributions to the Annual Fund as well as income through our endowment help to cover the gap. The fund’s unrestricted nature allows Hanahau‘oli to support its most pressing needs as they emerge.
Why give to the annual fund?
Annual Fund gifts are unrestricted gifts and can be utilized where the school believes the need is the greatest. Operating costs increase each year and the Annual Fund helps balance the budget. The annual tuition does not cover the actual costs to educate a child at Hanahau‘oli. Therefore, Annual Fund donations help keep tuition affordable and a Hanahau‘oli education accessible to new and continuing families. All school constituents work collaboratively in creating a shared responsibility for the care and vitality of the school.
The Annual Fund is comprised of:
1) unrestricted gifts to the School that allows for innovation, flexibility, and personalized learning. Every gift makes a difference and everyone benefits; and 2) gifts specifically designated to the Louisa Palmer Scholarship Fund which is tuition aid that supports new and continuing families with access, affordability and opportunity to a Hanahau‘oli School education.
Financial Aid is a significant part of our Annual Fund to ensure access and affordability and guided by the school’s overarching policy of inclusivity and diversity.
What is our goal?
Our goal for 2024-25 is $800,000. All gifts are valued and contribute towards achieving our goal.
What is the expectation?
Participation! Our Board of Trustees leads the way with 100% participation and we ask all our constituents to help share the responsibility for the care and vitality of our school!
how can i give TO THE ANNUAL FUND?
Gifts can be made by
Cash, by check made out to Hanahau‘oli School
Credit card, by clicking the "Donate" button online
Stock transfer, please contact the Institutional Advancement Office for instructions
Matching gifts from your employer (contact your employer regarding the possibility of a matching gift which increases your giving club level)
Gifts of securities or appreciated stock that may provide a tax advantage and can be designated for any purpose - Learn more here.
Gifts of real estate - Learn more here.
IRA Charitable Rollover gift (for donors 70 1/2 or older) - Learn more here.
Donors may designate their gifts to
The unrestricted funds for areas of greatest need for our school
Louisa Palmer Scholarship Fund
Tribute Gifts
Hanahau‘oli is grateful to those individuals who give to the school in honor or in memory of friends and relatives. Families may specify how these funds may be used to support areas of the program that their loved ones cared most about. If you provide contact information, Hanahau‘oli will send a note (which does not include gift amounts) advising individuals (or their families) for whom gifts are made of your generosity.
When should a gift be made?
The 2024-2025 Annual Fund drive is from July 1, 2024 to June 30, 2025.
For those planning to make a contribution to Hanahau'oli School for the 2024 tax year, please note the following tax-related deadlines:
Online gifts must be completed before 6:00 PM HST on December 31st
Mailed credit card gifts must be received by the Institutional Advancement Office for processing by 3:00 PM on December 30th
Mailed checks must be postmarked no later than December 31st
We invite you to join one of our annual Fund Giving Clubs
The Bell Councils
Bell Ringer Council $25,000 and more
Platinum Bell Council $15,000 - $24,999
Gold Bell Council $10,000 - $14,999
Silver Bell Council $5,000 - $9,999
Bronze Bell Council $2,500 - $4,999
The giving circles
Olympic Circle $1,000 - $2,499
Makahiki Circle $500 - $999
Slipper Toss Circle $250 - $499
Stepping Stone Circle $100 - $249
Reading Tree Club $1- 99
If you have any questions, please contact the Office of Institutional Advancement,
Kellie James ’95 Schmidtke at kschmidtke@hanahauoli.org or (808) 697-2636