aloha & welcome to hanahau‘oli

Ho‘omau Hanahau‘oli, perpetuating a legacy of lifelong, joyful learning, articulated by our very own alumna and librarian Gabby Holt (’02), beautifully captures our work at Hanahau‘oli.  The theme highlights the core tenets of our 104 years of progressive education - lifelong learning and joyous work - while recognizing the significance of carrying forth this legacy for the next hundred years.  As Hanahau‘oli’s 12th Head of School, I am privileged to honor the work of our founders Sophie and George Cooke as well as all the learners who led us on the stepping stones for our first century.  

I humbly share my Hanahau‘oli story in an effort to explain the “magic” of Hanahau‘oli.  My Hanahau‘oli story resonates with the stories of other Hanahau‘oli learners as it conjures powerful feelings of joy, love and appreciation.  Our school’s rich traditions bind our community with shared common experiences and memories. My perspective of the Hanahau‘oli story is unique, as I have experienced Hanahau‘oli as a student, parent, teacher and administrator.

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My Hanahau‘oli School story began in 1980 when I started as a Junior Kindergartener.  Many of my clearest memories as a student involve the arts - working in a group to put on a play, creating an art piece, making a useful product in Shop.  I remember feeling so proud of my work. However, what is most vivid when I think about my time at Hanahau‘oli as a student, is how I felt. I felt safe, cared for, appreciated for who I was, and loved.  

Returning to Hanahau‘oli as a teacher in 2012, I gained a greater appreciation for the intention behind the “magic.”  The “magic” is created by the intelligent design of all aspects of the school and by the close, personal relationships faculty build with each student.  Teachers and staff at Hanahau‘oli celebrate diversity of talent and thinking, and recognize that all learning outcomes are valuable.   

As a parent of Hanahau‘oli students, I am most grateful that my children get to be kids, and do the work of childhood, which is play, each and every day. I appreciate that my children - along with all the students here - are accepted for their uniqueness. Their strengths and talents are celebrated and their pace of learning is honored. I also love that every member of our school community - from the custodians to the front office to the teachers to other parents - play a role in nurturing and educating my children.  

Finally, as an administrator in a community where lifelong learning is encouraged, and in fact, expected, I know what holds true for children, holds true for adults - we thrive when we feel respected, supported and appreciated for our individual talents, and when such talents are used for the greater good of achieving our school’s mission. 

As we embark on our 105th year, we will not only perpetuate our legacy - made possible by the committed and visionary learners who came before us - but also create together a bold future for the next century of joyous work.  I look forward to being a part of your Hanahau‘oli story.

With Aloha,

Lia Woo
Head of School

Faculty & Staff

Artwork by Sophia P. ’21

Artwork by Sophia P. ’21

Classroom Teachers

Junior Kindergarten: Royce Bowman, Maia Dosland, Mollie Taylor ’09

Kukunaokalā (K/1): Sarah DeLuca, Crystal Jolley, Carla Matsui, Tori McMillan ’91, Anuhea Newsome, Sheena Yamamoto

Kulāiwi (2/3): Katrina Delaunay, Aubrey Fortuno, Keala Lee, Alex Salas ’07

Po‘e Ka‘ahele (4/5):  Makenzie Carpenter, Keiko DeMotto, Juliet Johnson-Moore ’94, Shannon Porter

6th Grade: Maia Rosen, Noreen Varney, Gillian Wood


Art – Lauren Okano

Band – Ernie Provencher

Mandarin – Kimberly Funasaki

Hawaiian Culture Facilitator – Blair Sataraka

Librarian – Gabby Holt ’02

Music & Orchestra – Leah Abbe Bloem

Physical Education – Jewel Toyama

Physical World Laboratory – Marc Miyamoto


Head of School – Lia Woo ’88

Director of Operations – Anthony Yee

Director of Admissions & Enrollment Management – Alison Baclig

Directors of Faculty & Curriculum – Jaimee Rojas, Jennifer Stierli

Director of the Professional Development Center – Amber Strong ’89 Makaiau

Director of Finance – Shaoru Liang

Director of Institutional Advancement – Kellie James ’95 Schmidtke

Executive Assistant to the Head of School – Anna Sokalska

Business Office Associate – Karen Sahara

Auxiliary Programs Manager – Lisa Kimsey

Auxiliary Programs Assistant & The Skills We Need Coordinator – Leslie Fleming

Advancement Specialists – Kira Petro, Stephanie Ching

Professional Development Center Coordinator – Veronica Kimi

Collaborative Studio Coordinator & Auxiliary Programs Liaison – Rebecca Eldredge

Coordinator of Learning Resources – Michiko Sugiyama

Counselor – John Kim

IT Manager – Aubri Mead-Cleveland

School Nurse – Ruth Sebok

physical plant

Physical Plant Staff – Leo Antonio, Gil Cacayurin, Vinie Javier, Rodel Antolin

Board of Trustees

2024-25 Board of Trustees of Hanahau’oli School

Gregory M. Sato – President

Patricia Halagao – First Vice President

Brian Doyle – Second Vice President

Russell M. Gifford – Treasurer

Heather Williams – Secretary

J. Kūhiō Asam – Past President


Stephanie Soll ’82 Buck

Sara Magoon ’58 Dudgeon

Jennifer Kessner ’88 Engle

Terrence George

Sharon Himeno ’68

Ikaika Hussey ’90

Kris Kobayashi

Geoffrey Lewis

Ryan McCauley

Stephen Metter

Eric Schiff

Michelle Loden ’86 Slentz

Nainoa Thompson

Richard Towill

Vik Watumull ’70

Jana Wolff

Jodi Shin ’83 Yamamoto

Becki Sugihara ’89 Stinson – Hui Representative – Ex-Officio

Lia Woo ’88 – Ex-Officio

Artwork by Ava A. ’20

Artwork by Ava A. ’20