Other Ways of Giving
Matching Gifts
Hanahau‘oli benefits when individuals apply to their employer’s matching gift program for a match of their personal donation to the school. Many companies have chosen this avenue of supporting their employees’ philanthropic interests and a simple application may double an individual’s gift to Hanahau‘oli.
Gifts In Kind
Donations of personal property enrich the program, assist teachers and enhance the learning environment in countless ways. Hanahau‘oli provides documentation for gifts so that donors may establish value for their tax purposes.
Stock Gifts
The donation of stocks and bonds is an effective way for our donors to support Hanahau‘oli School.
Long-term, appreciated securities are those owned for more than one year, with an increased value. This gift entitles the donor a federal income tax deduction for the full fair market value of the securities on the date of the gift, up to a maximum deduction of 30% of the donor’s adjusted gross income for the year if deductions are itemized.
Short-term securities are those held for less than one year. If the donor itemizes, the donor will be entitled to a federal income tax deduction for only the purchase price of the securities.
Depreciated securities are those that have declined in value since purchased. To gain maximum tax benefits from the gift, it is normally recommended that the donor sell these, absorb the tax loss, and donate the cash proceeds.
To make a gift of stock to benefit Hanahau‘oli School, please instruct the broker to transfer via DTC (Depository Trust Company) a specified number of shares in-kind to Hanahau‘oli’s brokerage account at:
Clearing Firm: National Financial Services
DTC number: 0226
Bank of Hawaii
Our BOH Investment Account Number: HIA-016284
Christian Look
Vice President/Financial Advisor
Bankoh Investment Services, Inc.
130 Merchant St CC#475
Honolulu, HI 96813
Telephone (808) 694-6559 Toll Free (800) 392-0443
Fax (808) 694-4891 E-mail christian.look@boh.com
Please complete this form and send to Kellie James ’95 Schmidtke (kschmidtke@hanahauoli.org) and Christian Look (christian.look@boh.com) for gifts of stock and securites.
IRA Charitable Rollover
Donors of the age of at least 70-1/2 or older may make a gift directly from an IRA to Hanahau‘oli without incurring income tax on the distribution, subject to certain conditions. We are happy to answer any questions and provide sample instructions for the IRA custodian. Please contact the Institutional Advancement Office in advance if you intend to make a gift from an IRA. Qualified rollover instructions can be found here.
Real Estate Gifts
Almost any marketable real estate (home, vacation property, land, rental property, other real estate) may be gifted to Hanahau‘oli, provided the property is unencumbered. Real estate accepted outright by Hanahau‘oli is immediately sold so the proceeds can benefit the School’s students, teachers, and programs.
A gift of real estate may entitle the donor to a charitable deduction of the full fair market value of the property. For gifts of long-term, appreciated real estate the deduction limit is 30% of adjusted gross income with a five-year carry-over period for the excess. By gifting real estate, the donor bypasses capital gains tax on the property.
To learn more, please contact the Office of Institutional Advancement at (808) 949-6461.