Uncle Masa's Assembly with Mr. Miyamoto

A Fun, Local Welcome to Our Newest ‘Ohana!

By Paige ’20

Today, Friday the thirteenth we walked in to the song All I Really Need played by Uncle Blair Sataraka and Uncle Jake Shimabukuro. Our Po‘e Ka‘ahele friends shared that the full moon festival was tonight. We also learned that the new Children’s Fair theme was “Fun in the Sun” and T-shirt logo was designed by: Isabella, Ava, Momoko, Julia, Kaleo and Brielle, in grade 6. Today’s thought of the day was “Happy Aloha Friday, full moon, Friday the thirteenth” by Kulāiwi. This assembly was done by Uncle Masa (Mr. Miyamoto). He had three special guests come up onto stage Ms. Gabby, Mrs. Chris and Ms. Lee Loy, they sang a song that taught us pidgin 101. We also heard a story that told us about Hawaii’s official food, dough. Uncle Masa said that the unofficial, official food of Hawaii is the Spam musubi. Then we ended assembly with our school song.
