by Jordan and Riley
At his week’s assembly, the Po‘e Ka‘ahele class performed a Halloween play. The play was called, “Here, There, Back Again.” The story was about a brother and a sister who crawled into a teleporting closet. The closet took them to the Land of Dreams where they met a guy named William. William had also arrived to the Land of Dreams through a teleporting closet. An Evil Queen told the three of them they had 24 hours to escape back to their world. The three of them went on a journey to find the teleporting closet. They met many creatures like skeletons, aliens, dragons, witches, mummies, and vampires. Old characters were resurrected and new characters made an entry. The returning characters were Dr. Peters as a vampire and Mrs. Shimek as a witch. One new character that may be returning next year is Mrs. Woo as a mummy. There were a couple of songs performed. One was about the missing closet and the other was about popular witches. Overall, this was a really entertaining play and the audience enjoyed every moment!