Each year, the Hanahau‘oli Professional Development Center collaborates with community partners, organizations, and the Hanahau‘oli faculty and staff to offer workshops for educators, researchers, scholars, parents, and community members. Past workshop themes and topics include: asking questions to develop creativity; drama as a tool for inquiry and interpretation; and integrating art and science. For a list of upcoming workshops please visit the PDC Events Calendar.
April 3, 2019 Aha Kuka: A Gathering Around Building Our Collective Capacity
April 2, 2019 Aha Kuka: A Gathering Around Building Our Collective Capacity
January 25, 2019 Supporting Students on Social and Emotional Wellness in the Digital Age, with author Devorah Heitner
March 12, 2019 Yoga Ed: Chair Yoga & Mindful Practices for the JK-12 Classroom
August 17, 2019 YMCA A+ Youth Leader Professional Development Day
September 19, 2019 Climate Conscious Futures for the Well-Being of All: Teaching about Climate Change and Peace in the K-12 Classroom