Teachers and Scholars in Residence
The Hanahau‘oli School Professional Development Center (PDC) provides opportunities for teachers and scholars to be “in residence” at Hanahau‘oli School. This program is specifically driven by both the mission of the school and the PDC’s goal of building upon the school’s rich progressive education tradition to support the development of school communities that promote a better future society for today’s children. It is designed for educators and scholars from diverse disciplines and contexts, who are interested in exploring the power and potential of the progressive education movement and who want to investigate and test innovations and improvements in the field. The program is aimed at benefiting the visiting teacher or scholar, the Hanahau‘oli School community (educators, students, and families), and the community at-large. It is also designed to support the ongoing development and growth of the progressive education movement that Hanahau‘oli School and the University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa are a part of.
Through the Hanahau‘oli PDC Teacher and Scholar in Residence Program, the school hosts a scholar from outside of the Hanahau‘oli School community for a designated period of time (e.g. two weeks, semester or full academic year) to teach classes, assist in curriculum development, lead PDC programs, conduct research, write, improve teaching practice, develop partnerships, and engage with the campus and the local community. Hanahau‘oli School Teachers and Scholars in Residence work across classes and curricula in a variety of ways to enhance or expand existing programs, develop new programs, and make unique contributions to the school and greater community. Hanahau‘oli School faculty and staff, as well as University of Hawaiʻi partners collaborate with Hanahau‘oli School Teachers and Scholars in Residence on their proposed work and help to ensure that the experience is productive and positive for both the teacher/scholar and the school. All Hanahau‘oli School Teachers and Scholars in Residence are paired with a key faculty or staff person on campus, and they ultimately report to the Director of the Hanahau‘oli School PDC.
Prospective Hanahau‘oli School Teachers and Scholars in Residence are required to apply for the role by filling out an application, which includes identifying professional lines of inquiry, passions, and research interests. They are also asked to clearly articulate residency goals and plans for publicly sharing lessons learned from the experience. All Hanahau‘oli School Teachers and Scholars in Residence will need to provide a background check once they are admitted into the program.
Please email Dr. Amber Strong Makaiau (amakaiau@hanahauoli.org) for more details on submitting an application.
Mr. Brendan McCarthy, Scholar in Residence for the 2021-2022 SY interviews students at the “I Want to Know What Love Is” Hanahau‘oli School Film Festival, an initiative he developed as part of his year long residency. Read some of his reflections along with those of other Scholars in Residence on the Progressive Philosophy & Pedagogy Blog.